TRIMED was founded in the year 2010 in New York State. The owners of TRIMED have been associated with the delivery of health care services in New York for over three decades.

TRIMED provides numerous services. We have helped many families just like yours. A full list of services is available here.

TRIMED provides services to Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, Bronx, Nassau County and Suffolk County in the state of New York.

Yes, all TRIMED caregivers are insured and bonded.

Of course! We encourage your involvement in the decision-making process. We will provide you with all of the information to help you decide. Each caregiver is interviewed face-to-face, and we complete a criminal background check. Our process allows us to provide you with the best caregivers and the highest level of care possible.

If you are satisfied with the caregiver you have received, we will do our best to keep them assigned to your family. Should your family have a need to change the caregiver you have at the present time for any reason, we will search for a match until your family is satisfied. We understand that a strong rapport and total trust in a caregiver are essential to complete your home care experience. If your loved one receives specialized services, care for many hours in a day, or care at different times of the day throughout the week, it may be necessary to schedule more than one caregiver. If your family requires multiple caregivers, our goal is the same. We want you to be happy. We will make sure that you get the best services available.

As our client, YOU are in charge of your schedule. Our caregivers work around you, not the other way around.

Yes we do. If you or a loved one is an adult and has been injured, has been in an accident, or has a debilitating condition that requires the type of services we provide, we will gladly provide care. In certain situations we can also provide care for children.
You can change, pause or discontinue any services we provide to your loved ones as necessary. We understand that any situation can change rapidly and without warning. We will be as flexible as is humanly possible. You are never bound to any long-term contract. Change is your choice. We will make the changes you require as necessary. Never be afraid to ask. We are here to help both you and your loved ones
At TRIMED, our homecare cost is less than any nursing home facility, skilled nursing or other homecare business. We work with you and your budget as our client and caregiver.

Tri-Med home care services can start within 24 hours after receiving a referral and determining eligibility.

Call Us Today at Trimed Home Care Services, INC.

New York City

Tri-Med Home Care Services