Occupational therapy is a go-to solution and treatment for assisting an elderly person to properly recover from an illness, whether due to mental and/or physical causes. This means that occupational therapy can provide tremendous help and relief to patients suffering from physical conditions (such as arthritis, for example) and mental/cognitive conditions (such as dementia and Alzheimer’s).

The goal of occupational therapy is to aid the client in recuperating
so that he or she can live a fuller and happier life.

Seniors Occupational Therapy Services

Why Occupational Therapy for Seniors is Beneficial

There are many reasons why occupational therapy for seniors is so beneficial. Here are a few:
  • First and foremost, it allows elderly patients to overcome many daily challenges that they may be facing, like dressing and feeding themselves, for example. It empowers them to be more independent and, in turn, this helps to increase the amount of time that they will be able to live at home.
  • Occupational therapy is also known for preventing falls, which can lead to painful injuries and lengthy hospital stays. Occupational therapy teaches the elderly how they can remain active without putting themselves at risk of a tumble, and how to navigate their home more safely and mindfully.
  • Occupational therapists are also trained to scope out an individual’s home and look for opportunities in terms of how to improve it so that their patient can live more comfortably and conveniently.
  • Furthermore, they also work hand-in-hand with their patient’s caregiver in an effort to help the caregiver make better, more informed decisions about the patient’s daily care.
  • Finally, occupational therapists provide better health and wellness by aiding an elderly person in developing a more positive mindset and leading a fuller life. This positive mental change can work wonders in terms of a patient’s physical health too!

Occupational Therapy at Tri-Med Home Care Service

We provide occupational therapy for seniors with a mental, physical or cognitive medical condition. We provide all the required care and support to seniors to assist them with living a normal life, irrespective of their disorder.

Our trained professionals provide therapeutic care to patients along with much-needed emotional support.

All the care is individually tailored to suit the unique needs of each patient in question.

For more information about the occupational therapy service offered by Tri-Med Home Care Services, do not hesitate to get in touch with our home health aides.

We Provide Occupational Therapy Services in Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn, and Long Island

Tri-Med Home Care Services