With the summer months upon us and so many of us spending long hours in the hot summer sun, it is a good time to remind seniors across America about the dangers of sun exposure and skin cancer. Since skin cancer has a 98% survival rate when caught early, it is important to remember these safety tips:
Avoid Skin Exposure During Peak Times
Between 10 am and 4 pm, the sun’s rays are very hot. It is a good idea to avoid sun exposure during these peak times. If you can’t avoid the sun during these times, seek out a shady place to sit.
Use Sunscreen
Don’t forget that you need skin protection from the sun – whether it’s cloudy or sunny. Use sunscreen when you are outside. Use an SPF15 or higher so that you can get the maximum coverage. You can opt for a lotion or spray, but make sure you have covered all of your body parts that will be exposed to the sun. Don’t forget that the lip balm you use should have an SPF15 as well.
Don’t Forget Your Sunglasses
Whether you are walking or driving, it is a good idea to wear sunglasses. Not only will it ensure that you are more comfortable and able to see if it is very bright outside, but you will also be protecting your eyes from the sun’s harsh UV rays.
Sun Hats
Even if you are wearing sunscreen and sunglasses, a wide-brimmed sun hat can work wonders to protect your head, face, ears, and neck from the sun.Need more information about in-home help services? Then contact Tri-Med Home Care Services to learn more about live in senior care today.
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