A home health care nurse advises: How to sterilize your home against COVID

The Tri-Med home health care team weighs in on in-home sterilization to guard against COVID-19 infection. The coronavirus is among the most infectious pathogens we have ever encountered. In order to stay healthy and avoid the spread of the virus, we need to apply more rigorous hygiene standards and practices than ever before. Here’s what our nurses advise.

Sanitize hands regularly

Not everyone necessarily maintains a routine of regular hand washing when at home. This is one habit that needs to be added as soon as possible to your household regimen. You can wash your hands with soap and water as normal, provided you do so thoroughly for 20 seconds at a time. Be sure to do this before and after eating, and every time you touch something in your home. Since handwashing will become so regular as a result of this, it will probably be more convenient to stock up on water-free sanitizers that you can carry with you or place in every room of the house.

Disinfect high-touch surfaces regularly

High-touch surfaces are objects such as tables, hard-backed chairs, doorknobs, light switches, phones, tablets, touch screens, remote controls, keyboards, handles, toilets, sinks. These should be cleaned thoroughly with disinfectants at least once a day. In addition to this, everyone in the house should be conscious of these surfaces and make sure to sanitize their hands every time they touch them. Use disposable gloves when cleaning these surfaces and get rid of them immediately.

Isolate sick household members

If any member of the household is diagnosed with COVID-19, they will need to quarantine themselves for 14 days. They need to be confined to specific rooms in the house and physical contact with other household members should be strictly limited. All dishes and other items used by this person should be removed using disposable gloves and washed with hot water.

Protective wear and social distancing

Assuming that everyone in the household is free of the virus and is properly observing lockdown guidelines, there is little need to resort to gloves and masks when inside the home and direct contact need not be curtailed. Difficulties arise when people leave the home and if there is an infected person in the home. In the former case, whoever leaves the house to carry out essential functions, such as buying groceries, should be the strongest, healthiest least vulnerable members of the household and they should take every precaution to prevent infection while they are out of the home – the wearing of gloves and masks, as well as social distancing. In the case of an infected person being in the home, follow the guidelines discussed above. Provided everyone follows strict hygiene guidelines and remains conscious of potential vulnerabilities and takes every step to compensate for them, you should be able to keep your home free from this virus. Be conscious, be safe. Tri-Med Home Care Services provides expert home health care in Nassau, Suffolk, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan. Contact us for more information about our home health care nurses and other services.
Tri-Med Home Care Services